The Code of Ethics is an expression of ethical reflection; it aims to formulate ethical benchmarks, given the specificities of coaching as coaching process of a person in his professional life. These are general principles. Their practical application requires discernment. Here are a few key elements:
A) Coach Duties
– Confidentiality (The coach is bound by professional secrecy)
– Respect for People Aware of his position, the coach is prohibited from exercising undue influence
B) Duties of the coach vis-à-vis the coachee
– Coaching Location The coach must be alert to the meaning and effect of the location of the coaching session
– Responsibility for decisions Coaching is a professional and personal development technique. The coach leaves all the responsibility of the coachee’s decision to the coachee.
– Formal Request Any request for coaching, when coming an organization, meets two levels of demand: one made by the company and the other by the person himself. The coach valid the request of the coachee.
– Protection of the individual The coach adapts its interventions in relation with the stages of development of the coachee. Aware of his position, the coach is prohibited from exploiting its customers, especially financially and personally.
C) Coach’s duties with respect to the organization
– Protection of the organizations The coach is attentive to the type of jobs, to the customs, culture, context and constraints of the organization for which he works
– Feedback to the requester The coach can only account for its actions to the Client within the limits established with the coachee.
– Balance of the entire system Coaching takes place in the synthesis of the interests of the coachee and his organization