Creativity Workshops

How to learn inventive thinking and use different “thinkingtools” to create innovative ideas?


I use an ‘Innovation Systematic and Structured Approach’ (ISSA) tool-kit to unlock stuck projects or ideas, by creating novel solutions (using different thinking tools), that did not exist before, enabling step-change in performance and new capability.


The thinking tools are ranging from strategy table, to reverse brainstorming, play roles, value mapping, reformulation of the problem, framing your opportunity, counter-intuitive problem solving and when/if appropriate, using the DNA of innovation.


This approach allows to break the natural “fixedness” that is so familiar to engineers. It produces innovative solutions for all types of projects / challenges, with a fast deployment. The ideas generated during these workshops are in general not only pragmatic but also radically different and at relatively low cost.


The ISSA approach helps to:

  • Resolve stakeholder misalignments and conflicting value drivers.
  • Develop strategy table, explore core value drivers of key stakeholders and widen the solution space.
  • Create team building by co-creation of break-through solutions and conflict resolution.
  • Use a Co-creation model/role play that helps understanding your partners/competitors through a step change in relationships and deals with partners.
  • Sometimes, use and adapt the DNA of Innovation on any soft and technical challenges.
  • Detect hidden benefits and create new ideas to improve or turn a project into something feasible at low cost.

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