Gestalt is concerned with the whole person, encouraging a balance between body, feeling, intellect and imagination. Gestalt is concerned with what is, in the “Here-and-Now” – not what may be, should be, might be, has been.
The three “Gestalt” principles on which my approach is based:
- a holistic approach that seeks the recovery of the person in the whole of the 5 key dimensions of human being: physical (sensory), emotional (affective), mental (intellectual), social and spiritual. Working with the whole person is the way to achieve full potential.( Gestalt embraces “holism”, which recognizes that the whole is not only more than the sum of its parts; it is also different from the sum of its parts. )
- a creative adjustment that aims to restore and maintain the balance between the individual and its environment or social context.
- the emphasis is on the “Here-and-Now”, facilitating the “awareness” (both instinctive and reflective consciousness), to eliminate dysfunctional patterns of behavior.
Gestalt Coaching
Coach-Sans-Frontières works with people to become more aware of themselves, others and the situations they are in, to have more choice in the actions they take and experience greater satisfaction with their achievements.
Amongst many other things this means that:
Coach-Sans-Frontières goes below the surface.
Many consultants and facilitators facilitate ‘difficult issues’ such as confrontation only to the point that they uncover an identifiable problem. They then move rapidly to problem solving, thus often addressing symptoms rather than underlying patterns.
A Gestalt-orientated facilitator/coach, by contrast, accepts that the world of human dynamics in organisations is not as simple as that. Coach-Sans-Frontières works with the individual or team to become aware of their patterns (helpful and unhelpful), the purpose these patterns serve, how they are reinforced and what the patterns enable them to avoid.
Coach-Sans-Frontières works with them to engage in deeper, stronger, more ‘robust’ interactions between people, that get to the heart of what really matters, and in so doing, make fundamental shifts in they way they relate to and work with others.