The Coach and The Consultant





Who am I?

Gilles Bertherin: a Change Mediator.


I am from La Gruyère and I now live in the municipality of Gruyères, a small medieval village in the Swiss Alps.

I have varied experience in Geosciences, Commercial, Operations, Economics, Technology, Innovation, Business Growth Strategy, Coaching, Negotiations and Mediation, with assignments in more than 15 countries.

During the last few years, I lived in The Hague (NL), with assignments in Houston, Aberdeen, Singapore, Perth, Bejing, Dubai, Calgari and Lagos where my job was to support various (and very complex) projects in the company.

Now I make myself available to support short-term or long-term projects and guide each and every one who feels the need or the desire. I also intervene on projects such as analysis of organizations’ operations, and I help to provide innovative solutions at the institutional, structural, and personal levels.


I like to use the following quote to express my own believes:

«Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding. Find out what you already know and you will see the way to fly. » —- Richard Bach in “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”.

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As Innovation Manager, I have successfully created and developed  ‘Innovation Systematic and Structured Approach’ (ISSA) to solve problems in a Counter-Intuitive way. This systematic process of innovation to solve the most intractable business and technical problems, resulted in numerous successful workshops.

I then developped my coaching (and facilitation) skills to get a Master in “Executive Coaching  (AOEC) and later, the use of ” Gestalt” for Life Coaching.

I also acquired other complementary skills, group dynamics and psychology-pedagogy this time, including the highly intensive DofNA ™ training (consisting of three modules over a period of two years) and has graduated in the DofNA™ advanced coaching techniques to provide coach-mentoring services in a wide range of contexts and at higher levels.


What is DofNA?

DofNA-coach-certificateDofNA™ (Discharge of Neural Aspects) is a highly intensive training that develops understanding of both the theory and practice of coaching and mentoring, with a therapist touch and some expertise with positive psychology of coaching and emotional intelligence. It is about changing, developing and forcing yourself to grow and transforming yourself in order to be able to coach others.

DofNA™ keep identifying the latest trends and developments in this area, ensuring that training and qualifications reflect leading-edge thinking and best practice for highly effective coaching.


Coach-Sans-Frontières proposes Executive coaching and Life coaching. 

Life Coaching
(available to everyone) will guide you and help you to be where you want to be, accessing and realizing your full potential. “Guiding” is the key word because the individual remains responsible for his/her life and (s)he has in him/herself the power to mobilize his/her own resources for his/her own transformation.

Coach-sans-Frontières works mainly as Executive Coach, i.e. with people who are already highly skilled and competent, but who want to stretch themselves and realize more of their full potential.

I also work as a coach who facilitates small or large groups. The ability to facilitate group and team events requires skill, courage and creativity. Coach-sans-Frontières offers an experienced facilitator who knows how to ‘read’ the climate of a group, attends to what isn’t being said as well as what is, and gauge how to ‘intervene’ to support and challenge the group in achieving a good outcome. For both Life coaching and Executive coaching.


I provide you with the necessary support in your change process for achieving your own goals and for a sustainable transformation.

As Life Coach, I can be your support, on a call-off basis or on an ongoing basis in any field of application that would involve increasing your own personal development.

As Executive Coach, I can help you (the leader, the manager) raise the awareness of your style, preferences, blind spots, your impact on those you hope will follow. Followers demand high levels of personal integrity from the leaders. Integrity grows from self–awareness of your strengths, limitations, values and, critically, from not pretending to be something that you are not. I help leaders develop a strong sense of who they are and what they stand for as leaders – which is, essentially, the core foundation of successful leadership.

Change occurs when one becomes what one is, not when one tries to become what (s)he is not. Arnold Beisser, The Paradoxical Theory of Change

More on Gestalt